Wednesday 26 March 2014

Mega Mega Excited :)

OK so I was chatting to Raven and it turns out that A Dom's Decision (aka #AtholsStory) is coming to an E-Reader near you TOMORROW .... yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thursday 26th March 2014 you all get the chance to read the book I begged to be written. Not just begged - I hinted, pleaded, nagged until finally Athol started to talk to Raven and give her his story :)

I've been incredibly lucky because I got to read the very first, unedited, draft of it.  Since then it's gone through the whole polishing process, got its totally gorgeous cover and generally got beautified so that what is published tomorrow is probably a long way from the typo-filled draft that I got sent the moment she typed "The End".  I'm so excited I could pee myself :D Opppps that's probably a little too much information to be sharing.

Anyways, yesterday Raven sent me a word file simply called "For Tina" (that's me!).  I opened it up and .. well I nearly fell off of my chair and as I read I had a huge lump in my throat and needed to grab some Kleenex.  So instead of telling you what she said I'm going to copy it below.

{Please read on there's a competition with real prizes :) )

And Mega Chair Swivel Jiggle…

Maybe the hoolah, the happy dance and the jump up and down on the table.
Because now, at last, we have #Atholsstory.

And it's all down to Tina. (Blushing here)

She read Master, and fell in love with Athol (I did)

Now I’d been thinking about writing his story, and so I started. Only to come to a grinding halt when I tried to plot. Athol was having none of it, and refused to talk to me for months. If it hadn't been for the fact I knew Tina wanted his story, I'd have left him to sulk for ever.

However when he began shouting at me again, I listened. Wrote the story his way, and 40k later, we have his and Edan's story.

Tina read the rough copy and phew liked it. (No! I freaking LOVED it!)

I tidied it up, and sent it to Evernight Publishing and phew, they liked it.
And now here it is. All nice, shiny, and with a cover to drool over.

OK this is where it get's exciting!

To celebrate I'm going to give one commenter on here an Ecopy of Master  or The Girl on the Bus, which is also about Dommisimma, the club Athol works in. (And I'm throwing in a $5 Amazon gift card to a second winner to go with it - so that's 2 prizes to win!)

Just say why you think Ebooks are good (or not) 

OK so here is the rest of what she sent me :)

When is a Dom not a Dom? When it stops him from being with the man he loves…

Athol Donaldson lost many people in his life, his lover, his family, his twin. The latter loss seems hardly worth morning over. Affric caused nothing but trouble when alive, and now, he seems intent on causing trouble from beyond the grave.

It forces Athol to seek out the one man he's never forgotten.

Eden Murdoch has no intention of letting Athol slip through his fingers again. He's lost him once, and as they're forced to pull together to unravel the mystery surrounding the parentage of a teenage girl, their love for each other blossoms.

Surely, being Doms doesn't mean they can't compromise? Will they be able to work out their differences, and find lasting happiness, or will this blast from the past prove to be their final undoing?

That's the premise of A Dom's Decision, also known as Athol's Story and book two in the Dommisimma Series. Well okay The Girl on Bus mentions Dommisimma, but it's not really a proper part of the series. This is.

It's one of those things, when a secondary character in a book shouts at you, Waves a flag and says, hey, I'm here and boy do I have a story to tell you.
Athol was like that, when he pops up in Master. (Also from Evernight Publishing) I'm sure he didn't mean to, but he stole nearly every scene he was in. And people asked me, 'When can we have Athol's story?'.

Well Athol has very definite ideas about what I should write. I started, he went shtum on me so I got stuck. So I put the story to one side and worked on other stuff. You see I'm very character driven, and he didn't like the way the story was going, so stopped talking to me.

Then one day several months later, I woke up with him shouting in my head, and wrote the next 25k in just over a week. He spoke I listened…I wrote, he approved. Thus A Dom's Decision, Athol's Story was finished.
Well it wasn't that easy but you get the gist…

Anyway, here's a wee tease from Athol's Story…

Athol couldn't believe the rush of adrenalin that coursed through him. Every nerve end tingled. To know they just might be getting somewhere was so exhilarating, that one swipe of Edan's tongue anywhere on his body would make him come. Slight exaggeration, but not much. He swallowed and cleared his throat.

"Well we could do, but then seeing as I came up with the idea, do you want to go first?"

"Fuck first—talk later?" Edan smiled. "Sounds good. So strip. Stretch out on the bed and let's explore again."

That was jumping in with a vengeance. Was revisiting your first lover like riding a bicycle? Once done never forgotten? He'd soon find out.

Athol decided it felt strange to have Edan watching him as he undid his zipper and stroked it carefully down the sensitive skin of his prick. Edan's gaze was so intense, Athol's hands shook, as he held the metal away from his body. Foreskin in zip teeth wasn't a good omen.

"You going to reciprocate?" Athol asked as he inched his jeans and boxers over his cock. The head glistened with pre cum, and Edan's indrawn breath, told him more than words that the sight excited both of them.

"Who's the, ah fuck it, lets just both ask and receive, eh?" Edan toed off his shoes and undid his belt buckle in a hurry. "Last one naked loses the next decision."

Athol laughed as his shoes caught in his jeans as he tried to remove the clothes and not the footwear. It wasn’t possible, so with a quick check of where Edan stood, he grinned and pushed Edan. Edan whooped and fell onto the bed with his denims around his ankles. He waved his legs in the air.

"Yeah." Athol jumped and landed on the bed next to Edan. He rolled over and grabbed Edan to hold him close, and thrust his tongue in between Edan's parted lips.

This kiss was different. As Edan's male, musky, scent surrounded him Athol knew tears were close. He'd missed this man as if a limb had been severed. His man his other half, was finally here with him.
But for how long? Athol pushed the thought away and concentrated on using his tongue to touch the inside of Edan's lips, and then stroke over the roof of Edan's mouth.

 Edan responded in an equally aggressive manner. His teeth grazed Athol's tongue and his lips sucked the flesh. Athol scrabbled for the waistband of Edan's half removed denims and shoved for all his worth, to get them away from Edan's body. In the back of his mind, he noticed Edan performed the same act with his, Athol's, jeans. How they managed without unlocking their lips Athol had no idea, and didn't care. All he desired was Edan naked and next to him.

Edan moved back, and the tiny few inches felt like the Grand Canyon with a force-eight gale to Athol.

"Shit, Ede, I need to feel you somehow. Make your mind up, for fuck's sake. What's going to happen next?" With a tremendous effort, Athol managed to shuck his shoes and jeans, thankful for the urge he'd had to go commando that morning.

"Bratty Dom." Edan gasped the words as his fingers fumbled with the hem of Athol's T-shirt. "Fuck, what's this stuck on?" He held Athol's T-shirt away from his torso.

"Hold on." Athol inched the material up and over his nipples. Edan's moan sent his cock into overdrive and his heart thudding. "Ah, you like?"

"Oh, I like." Edan ran his finger over the silver ring through Athol's right nipple. "How long have you had this?" He dipped his head and Athol about exploded as Edan circled the ring with his tongue and then tugged gently on it.

"Sh … er god, three, four, ah fuck, enough already. Let's do more. Condoms?"
"Con … Fuck, shit, and bollocks." Edan rolled onto his back and groaned.  His dick stood up long, hard and slicked with his pre-cum. "No, I've been celibate for so long they'd have shriveled up. You?"

Athol echoed the groan, and laughed softly. What he really wanted to do was cry and rail. Talk about serendipity—not. Was this his punishment for what happened all those years ago? Why on earth would he have thought he'd need rubbers? He'd been more concerned he might need a box to protect himself from a kick or a punch. "Don't talk daft. I'd forgotten what one looks like. Shit. Ah, well. Sixty-nine always was my favorite number. We're clean, and I trust you."

"And back." Edan shuffled round until his head nestled so close to Athol's cock Athol could feel his breath as it fanned over his heated skin. Athol grabbed Edan's ass and pulled him closer so he could put his lips on Edan's prick and give tiny little kisses along the length until he laved the head. With a mental sigh of pleasure, Athol pulled Edan's cock into his mouth and swirled his tongue over it. He enjoyed the salty taste, inhaled the musky male scent, and reveled in the moans and sighs Edan made.

A tug on his own cock sent his heat beat racing, and his skin pricked with arousal. He closed his eyes to let himself sink deeper into those beautiful sensations. It was nigh on impossible to groan with pleasure with a mouth full of wet cock, but Athol knew his shudder of pleasure reverberated into Edan. He nuzzled his head further into Edan's groin and grasped his ass even tighter. Edan reciprocated and together they began the nips and sucks of loving each other.

It wouldn't last long. He wouldn't last long. Athol had no illusions that he wouldn't be able to stave his climax off. Nor did he want to. The climbing emotion, the increasing heat, the shuddering, juddering emotions, and taut skin, embraced him, and he let them flow through him.

A multi-published author of erotic romance, Raven lives in Scotland, along with her husband and their two cats—their children having flown the nest—surrounded by beautiful scenery, which inspires a lot of the settings in her books.
She is used to sharing her life with the occasional deer, red squirrel, and lost tourist, to say nothing of the scourge of Scotland—the midge. As once she is writing she is oblivious to everything else, her lovely long-suffering husband is learning to love the dust bunnies, work the Aga, and be on stand-by with a glass of wine.        (my page)            (author page)

Happy Reading,

Love  R x

Sunday 16 March 2014

Hello :)

You know I suddenly realised today that I have no idea who, if anyone, is actually reading this blog and, if they are, what they think. So maybe I should explain why I am writing it.

I am NOT Raven McAllan (the author of The Dom's Decision), neither am I employed by her, her publisher or in any way connected to her except through a fan-girl style admiration of her writing and a "facebook" friendship.

When I read Master (by the way that link takes you to the book on Amazon!) I was totally blown away, I can't even count how many times I've re-read it - jolly glad you don't get charged each time you re-read a book or I would be bankrupt. It was such a beautiful story and one character in it grabbed me more than any other - Athol.  I then begged, pleaded, grovelled and harassed Ms McAllan to write his story!

I've been lucky enough that she agreed and fed me little snippets now and then as she was writing the book, just to keep me going until, finally, she wrote the words "The End" and passed me a copy of her unedited, first draft to see what I thought.  I sat down and read, read until my eyes stung with tiredness and I could barely hold my kindle up to be able to continue reading.  OMG Wow what a story!

Now I should explain that I don't particularly go for m/m stories but Athol's story is beautiful.  It's a romance, a second-chance, it's sexy, it's sizzling hot and quite emotional as well.

So that's why I'm doing this, because I want you all (if there is in fact anyone here reading this) to experience what I have read. The book is, I believe, in it's final editing stage so should be out fairly soon but if you want to get a head start on your romance with Athol, now is a good time to read Master.

And finally - here is the latest snippet from Ms McAllan's blog (which can be found here)

As I've just got ALL my covers for A Dom's Decisioon, and my edits are due any day, where better than there to take my #SexySnippets?


Why dd I wear these old tight fraying jeans? Because Edan likes me in almost white, show every nook and cranny kecks, that’s why. So much for kidding himself he had no feelings to bother him.
Even those tiny non-erotic memories were enough to rouse his dick. Resigned to feeling stirred up and uncomfortable, Athol stuck his hand down the front of his jeans to move his cock out of the way of teeth marks. Not that he was averse to all sorts of said nips and bruises, just zipper ones.
The door opened and he looked round.
"Caught in the act."

Monday 10 March 2014

Update and Sexy Snippet :)

Firstly let me apologise for my absence recently.  Unfortunately I've not been well and ended up having to spend a few days as an In-Patient but I'm now home again and feeling better :)

So imagine my surprise when I went to look at the Sunday update on Ms McAllan's blog and discovered that she had released a new snippet (albeit an unedited one).  Well I just had to do something with that :)

Personally I  can't wait for the editors to finish editing and get this book published so we can all enjoy it :)

That's it for now xxxx

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Coming March 2014

I am so excited because we are getting closer and closer to the release of "A Dom's Decision" - Athol's Story.  So today I thought I'd share the "Blurb" for the book.  As far as I can tell it's not yet available for pre-ordering but as soon as it is I will get the links up :)

I am also hoping to persuade Athol and Edan to agree to an interview so if you have any questions you would like me to ask on your behalf then please put in the in the comments below.

When is a Dom not a Dom? When it stops him from being with the man he loves…

Athol Donaldson lost many people in his life, his lover, his family, his twin. The latter loss seems hardly worth morning over. Affric caused nothing but trouble when alive, and now, he seems intent on causing trouble from beyond the grave.

It forces Athol to seek out the one man he's never forgotten.

Eden Murdoch has no intention of letting Athol slip through his fingers again. He's lost him once, and as they're forced to pull together to unravel the mystery surrounding the parentage of a teenage girl, their love for each other blossoms.

Surely, being Doms doesn't mean they can't compromise? Will they be able to work out their differences, and find lasting happiness, or will this blast from the past prove to be their final undoing?

Monday 24 February 2014

Today I'm staying with the first book Athol appeared in "Master". If you've  not read it yet you don't know WHAT you are missing out on! Buy it here

"First stage is through those doors. So, no, you're not sneaking
in. We're doing this all the way properly. Come on, love, pull up your
big girl panties. And open that top button, or I will." The last words
were spoken in such a way, Anna stiffened.

"What the?" The words were hardly out of her mouth before
he took hold of her blouse and undid three buttons.

"Anna, I may be nice to you, but we do this my way. No need
to Sir me, but you will do as I say."

His tone and the look on his face made her skin tingle. Yes, he
was her friend. Yes, he was gay. And oh yes, he was dominant.

"Sorry." She bit her tongue to stop the title he commanded
slipping out. There was no way she was going to add Sir on to her
apology. Athol rolled his eyes.

Excerpt from Master courtesy of Raven McAllan
Image sourced from 

Saturday 22 February 2014

Taking a step backwards

Athol first appeared in Raven McAllen's Master

Whilst it's not necessary to have read Master first it is a good introduction to Athol.   As he himself says to Anna in the book: 

Ana waited whilst Athol dragged two
enormous cases out of the boot. "Grief, Athol, what have you
brought? All your wardrobe and household utensils? The place is
quite well equipped, you know."
"Some of my wardrobe and a few of my Dom utensils." He
shut the boot and locked it. "Lead on."
Anna shivered, as a tiny dart of fear hit her. This sounded like
full on therapy with a vengeance.
"Dom utensils?" she asked as she unlocked the door. Athol
dropped the biggest of the bags on the floor. It rattled. Ana glanced at
it as if it might bite and led the way upstairs. "There's a bedroom up
here or one next to mine downstairs. Take your pick."
"Mm, I'll decide later. And yeah, Dom utensils. Doll, I'm a
Dom and a Doc, and I'm trained to read behind the words."

* * *

Quotes and Book Covers are © of Raven McAllen and are used with her permission.

Images used for Athol and Edan were found at:

Friday 21 February 2014

#TeamAthol - still teasing

Why the hell couldn't he give in, just a little bit?

If Athol were prepared to switch, Edan would do so gladly. But he wasn't going to be the only one, not any more.

"Maybe one day," Athol said slowly. "Once we've sorted this crap out. Life as a lonely Dom ain't all it's cracked up to be. Not when everyone around you is loved up and pairing up. Well nearly everyone,"

Thursday 20 February 2014

#TeamAthol - another day another teaser

Edan walked around the desk and grabbed Athol and pulled him into a big hug. It was returned with fervor, and he was damned sure he got a swift kiss on the neck as well. 

"Not just in bed, though that's a big part of it. All I've ever had there is hopes and dreams." He stopped talking, scared he'd said too much. 

Athol didn't answer. He looked unhappy, and Edan wished he could retract his words. "Dammit, in other things as well. Someone to laugh with, to share the ups and downs, and someone to high five when everything works out." 

Wednesday 19 February 2014

#TeamAthol Teaser 2

He walked around the desk and grabbed Athol and pulled him into a big hug. It was returned with fervor, and he was damned sure he got a swift kiss on the neck as well.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Just a little teaser

The door opened and his visitor walked in. Edan's tiredness dropped away like an old washcloth.

"Fuck me."

The newcomer nodded. "Yes please, here or do you have somewhere else in mind?"
Edan laughed. "Well, that's the rub isn't it? You ready for a little subbing yet?"

"In your dreams, mate. I'm the Dom."

Edan nodded. That was the sticking point and always had been. "Yeah, and so am I. So there we have it. Or don't as the case may be. Why are you here? I'm sure it's not just to tell me you're not prepared to negotiate."

More to follow over the next few days :)

Monday 17 February 2014


I am so very, very, excited because ........... it's not that long until a book I begged for, harassed the author about when she was working on other things, and devoured every snippet she threw my way is finally finished and it's coming out in April :)

So for my sins I've been appointed the #TeamAthol pimp lmao and here is my first offering to get you all as excited as I am!

Tuesday 7 January 2014

January 8th, 2014

It occurred to me today that I've been making a major mistake with the way I've been posting this blog, I've been posting it first thing in the morning (which for me can be anything from 3am to 8am UK time! I'm not a good sleeper hence the amount I read) and of course nothing has actually happened that day for me to blog about apart from me ranting on about the poor grammar, editing, story consistency etc of the book I've just finished so I've resolved to try and do my blogs in the evening instead.

So yesterday after I posted my day went from bad to worse - bad because of the book I had just finished to me ended up visiting Mum in hospital following her hip replacement and having a full blown asthma attack as I entered her ward and ending up in the ER on a nebuliser.  Then finally getting back to the ward to visit Mum and finding out that "they" had decided to discharge her! Barely able to walk on the crutches they had provided and with no real concern as to whether she, as an already disabled lady in her 70s who lives alone, had any kind of support arranged (which she did because my sister and I live very close by and had already sorted it all out) she was sent home with a large green bag full of medication and an appointment to see her Consultant on the 1st of April to assess her progress!

Today hasn't been much better, my Hubby has had a relapse in his health, I've been to see a legal adviser due to problems with my job and Mum isn't coping too well at home as yet and is struggling to reach the bathroom in time (probably too much information there but it's my blog and I don't think anyone else is actually reading it so it doesn't matter!).

OK onto the good side of the coin. Another book finished and this one was good and another free download so I've still not spent a penny of my reading matter for the year! I'm on my next book now (again free!) and have an ARC waiting to read as well as awaiting approval for 2 more ARCs by an author I really love so I hope they approve my request.  Anyway the review for my latest finished book can be found here:

I'm also really excited because an author whose work I love has another book due out in April and it sounds brilliant.  If you've not read anything by @Raven McAllan before I would seriously recommend her work - she covers a lot of different sub-genres within the erotic romance genre so you do need to be fairly open minded to enjoy her work.

Right time to log off.  See you tomorrow :)

Monday 6 January 2014

January 6th, 2014

Well another day and another book read although in this instance I really wish I hadn't bothered! It's only saving grace was it was another free download so although I wasted a few hours reading it at least I didn't waste any real money.

Review is here:

Life is now starting to get back normal following the Christmas and New Year break.  Hubby went back to work having had 2 weeks off! The traffic was back to it's absolutely horrendous level because most people are returning to work for the first time today and all of the schools have also gone back.

Mum is still in hospital and they are debating whether she can come home today or not because she's not managing to move around very well with the crutches she is going to have to use for the next few weeks.  My daughter's on again/off again relationship seems to be in limbo but today she's flying off to spend a few days with her father so I am hoping time and distance will give her a chance to clear her thoughts.

Got to go so just a short post today.  Off to find tomorrow's book to review :)

Sunday 5 January 2014

January 5th, 2014

Oh dear day 5 of my personal challenge and I've already stumbled. No post or review yesterday but with very good reason!

Firstly the review - this is because the book I read was an ARC and I won't be posting my review until a little nearer the publication date - but I did enjoy it. Without giving too much away it was a New Adult, set in a college (yes I know there are a lot of them about at the moment!) but it did have a great story line and there is the promise of more to come in the series.

Secondly, my lack of a post. Well sometimes life gets in the way too much. I've got a lot going on right now - Mum is in hospital having had a hip replacement so I'm back and forth to see her; my darling Daughter is going through a very traumatic split up and Hubby has a really big interview coming up on Friday which meant that we had to go shopping for a new suit and tie and he also has to do a set-theme presentation to the interview panel so I've been helping him with that - although helping probably isn't exactly right it's more been moral support, coffee on demand, that kind of thing.

So to today.  Yes I've read and reviewed another book -

I've also decided to set myself a bit of a sub-challenge - and that is to see how many of the books I read year I got for free, either as an ARC or as a free download from Amazon.  So here is the total to date:

ARC:     1
Free:      4

so essentially so far this year I've spent NOTHING on new books - that should keep my bank balance happy.

I already have my next couple of books lined up and they were free downloads as well.

Have a great Sunday :)

Friday 3 January 2014

January 3rd, 2014

Well Day 3 and I'm still on track! Posting here and book 3 read and reviewed!

See review here:

Whilst I enjoyed the book very much, and will be investigating others written by the same author, it was another classic example of poor proof-reading/editing as there seemed to been rather a lot of confusion about the word YOUR and the use of YOU'RE instead.  I know, especially with children, that this is a common mistake but honestly if you are going to publish a book please at least ensure that your spelling and grammar are correctly used otherwise you're going to find readers not taking you as seriously as they could!

OK rant over.

Today's book is one that I won't be able to post a review on just yet as I am doing a final read through for a publisher of something that is being published in a couple of weeks time so it's going to be a case of watch this space!

Thursday 2 January 2014

January 2nd, 2014

Early days I know but well I'm back for the second day of my self-challenge and I've read another book and posted my review of it so 2 out of 2 can't be bad!

Spent yesterday afternoon at Mum's with my hubby, Mum, my sister and her family along with her grand-daughter. We had a nice dinner of poached salmon, assorted other sea food, a roast gammon for the non-fish eaters and a vast array of desserts. Mum is a little on edge, to say the least, because tomorrow (Jan 3rd) she's going into hospital to have hip replacement surgery and I think she's pondering a lot on all of the things that could go wrong so we are trying to be extra supportive right now. It's a good job she's only 2 miles away from me so I am able to spend as much time there as she needs and will need once she gets out of hospital.

Anyway yesterday I decided to start exploring the 108 books in my "To be read" folder on my Kindle and pick one to read - I tend to get a bit carried away downloading lots of freebies and then never get around to reading them so that's another challenge I've sort of set myself!

The book I ended up with was Seeing Stars by Vanessa Grant.  It was originally first published in 2001 and to be honest it did feel dated but not in a good way.  Oh and if you are going to re-publish something please have it re-edited because this one was full of typos etc. and that is something that I really find annoying.

Anyway my review for it is here:

As you might be starting to realise I am totally anal about books being published (especially if I've spent real money on them) whether for Kindle or on paper that have just not been properly checked for editorial, typographical and grammatical errors. I've been known to stop reading a book altogether if it is really bad because I find that the errors fix themselves into my brain more than the story does. 

Oh and another thing, I know that English (whether it is British English or American English etc) is an ever evolving being BUT please don't make words up.  I don't mean in an internet abbreviation or text-talk type of way either, if you don't know how to spell a word properly or your spell checker doesn't like it then it's probably wrong so either pick a different word that means the same or find the correct spelling of the word you originally wanted to use.  Here's a couple that I've spotted very recently that have really annoyed me:

Normalcy - sorry but Normal is an adjective and it's noun is Normality
Drug - not used to mean a medication or narcotic but in the context of moving or pulling an object or person "He drug her towards the bed" should surely be "He dragged her towards the bed".

Ok rant over for now. Have a great day to anyone who is actually reading this and has got to the end.  Feel free to leave me a comment!

Wednesday 1 January 2014

January 1st, 2014

Not being one to ever make New Year Resolutions that I know I can't keep I am not sure why I have set myself this task but here goes. 

I suppose the best place to start is by introducing myself and explaining what I am hoping to achieve here. I am going to try and post everyday and review or discuss the book that I am currently reading or have just finished.

My name is Tina, I love to read - paper books, kindle books, blogs, the back of cereal boxes, you name it - if there are words there then I have to read them! I can't remember a point in my life when I didn't have at least one book on the go.  Romances, erotica, Sci Fi, fantasy, I honestly don't mind because I will give almost anything a go although I cannot read horror (gives me nightmares!) and I'm not keen on suspense/thrillers or poetry. I also enjoy crocheting (and making up my own patterns), watching movies - especially sci-fi, spending time with my family and pets and, oh yes, my computer! Whether its being on various of the social network sites, playing or running cribbage tournaments or playing fantasy war games my computer is just about always on.

Through my childhood I can remember loving anything written by Enid Blyton, the Famous 5, the Secret 7, her Naughtiest Girl series, The Magic Faraway Tree, the Mallory Towers series, and so much more.  Each offering in its own way a chance to escape into a world so different to the one I was living in.  As I grew a little older my taste in books became a little more eclectic - the complete works of Shakespeare (in old English verse!), Georgette Heyer,  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and anything else that I liked the look of in the school Library. Oh and then of course there were the Mills & Boon books that my mum loved to read - they became my guilty pleasure.

By the time I hit my early 20s I had discovered this wonderful author who could only be found in certain book shops. The author must have been a very prolific writer as there were always lots of new titles available and as they were very reasonably priced I built up a rather good collection of them.  The author's name was "Anonymous" and the subject matter was, well to put it simply, erotica.  It's funny because that was 30 years ago and yet if you read certain newspapers erotica for women (or Mommy Porn) was something brand new that happened a couple of years ago when the 50 Shades books came out. What is even funnier, at least to me, is that those top shelf books that I read all those years ago are being re-released but this time instead of the author being "Anonymous" they now have names although that's about all that's changed in the books!

Last April a good friend of mine opened up my reading world even further when she gave me her old Kindle because she had a newer, better, one.  I'd always sworn that I wasn't interested in them and that I much preferred the feel of a real book in my hand but I was wrong.  The Kindle has opened up an even wider reading world to me.  I can download books instantly they are released, usually much cheaper than the paper versions, I can get books totally for free or a greater reduced price by signing up for a couple of email alert groups that hunt out these offers and now I am also getting to read books before they are even published by getting ARCs (advance review copies) from various publishers.  The only proviso to accepting them is that you are willing to post "an honest" review on one of a number of sites to promote the book prior to publication. That's not a hardship as I tend to do a written review on both Goodreads and Amazon anyway.  So mentioning reviews, I am an extremely fast reader, I can manage up to 3 full length novels a day, sometimes I am reading them for the first time and other times I am re-reading particular favourites. From first registering on Goodreads in April 2013 until 31st December 2013 I registered 243 books as read.  This year I am aiming to post a review everyday of something that I have read.

So with that in mind, here is my first review of the year: