Tuesday, 7 January 2014

January 8th, 2014

It occurred to me today that I've been making a major mistake with the way I've been posting this blog, I've been posting it first thing in the morning (which for me can be anything from 3am to 8am UK time! I'm not a good sleeper hence the amount I read) and of course nothing has actually happened that day for me to blog about apart from me ranting on about the poor grammar, editing, story consistency etc of the book I've just finished so I've resolved to try and do my blogs in the evening instead.

So yesterday after I posted my day went from bad to worse - bad because of the book I had just finished to me ended up visiting Mum in hospital following her hip replacement and having a full blown asthma attack as I entered her ward and ending up in the ER on a nebuliser.  Then finally getting back to the ward to visit Mum and finding out that "they" had decided to discharge her! Barely able to walk on the crutches they had provided and with no real concern as to whether she, as an already disabled lady in her 70s who lives alone, had any kind of support arranged (which she did because my sister and I live very close by and had already sorted it all out) she was sent home with a large green bag full of medication and an appointment to see her Consultant on the 1st of April to assess her progress!

Today hasn't been much better, my Hubby has had a relapse in his health, I've been to see a legal adviser due to problems with my job and Mum isn't coping too well at home as yet and is struggling to reach the bathroom in time (probably too much information there but it's my blog and I don't think anyone else is actually reading it so it doesn't matter!).

OK onto the good side of the coin. Another book finished and this one was good and another free download so I've still not spent a penny of my reading matter for the year! I'm on my next book now (again free!) and have an ARC waiting to read as well as awaiting approval for 2 more ARCs by an author I really love so I hope they approve my request.  Anyway the review for my latest finished book can be found here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/815743480

I'm also really excited because an author whose work I love has another book due out in April and it sounds brilliant.  If you've not read anything by @Raven McAllan before I would seriously recommend her work - she covers a lot of different sub-genres within the erotic romance genre so you do need to be fairly open minded to enjoy her work.

Right time to log off.  See you tomorrow :)

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